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Shelf Life and Storage TipsUpdated 2 months ago

Guide to Enjoying Go Brewing's Non-Alcoholic Beer Lineup: Shelf Life and Storage Tips

Non-alcoholic (NA) beers have gained popularity for offering the taste and social experience of beer without the effects of alcohol. Go Brewing's non-alcoholic beer lineup is crafted to provide a premium experience, mirroring the complexity and variety found in traditional beers. Understanding how to store and when to consume these NA beers will ensure you enjoy them at their best. Here’s a focused guide on Go Brewing's non-alcoholic beer shelf life and optimal storage methods.

Understanding Shelf Life of Non-Alcoholic Beers

Non-alcoholic beers, much like their alcoholic counterparts, do not expire in the sense that they become unsafe to consume after a certain period. However, their quality and taste can degrade over time. Here are factors specifically affecting the shelf life of NA beers:

Pasteurization: Go Brewing's NA beers are pasteurized, a process that extends their shelf life by eliminating yeast and bacteria. This means they generally last longer than unpasteurized beers without losing their intended flavor profile.

Ingredients and Brewing Process: The specific ingredients and the brewing process used for NA beers can affect their longevity. Go Brewing utilizes high-quality ingredients and precise brewing techniques to ensure a robust shelf life.

Shelf Life Guidelines for Go Brewing's Non-Alcoholic Beer

General Recommendation: As a rule of thumb, we suggest non-alcoholic beers within 3 to 9 months of the packaging date. This timeframe helps guarantee the freshest taste, closely matching the brewer's intention.

Taste Over Time: While NA beers are still safe to consume beyond this period, their flavors may begin to change. The beer is designed to be consumed relatively fresh to best experience the quality and craftsmanship Go Brewing prides itself on.

Storage Tips for Maximum Enjoyment

Keep It Cool: Store your Go Brewing NA beers in a cool, dark place. The refrigerator is ideal, especially if you plan to consume them soon. For longer storage, a cool basement or pantry can also suffice.

Light Exposure: Avoid storing beer where it can be exposed to direct sunlight or bright indoor lights, as this can impact the flavor over time.

Upright Storage: Storing the beers upright minimizes the oxidation process and helps preserve their taste. It also reduces the risk of cap or seal deterioration that could affect the beer's quality.


Go Brewing's non-alcoholic beer lineup offers a refreshing and diverse range of options for those seeking the beer experience without the alcohol. By following these guidelines on shelf life and storage, you can ensure that every can or bottle from Go Brewing is enjoyed at its peak quality. Remember to check the packaging date when you purchase or plan to consume these beers, and enjoy the fresh, full-flavored experience that Go Brewing has crafted for you. Cheers to great taste, without the alcohol!

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